My Future goal :
You should know that I usually think about my future life. I don’t have a specific job that I want to
do but I really want to enjoy doing my job, I think that working should be a passion.
In my opinion coming to his job the morning and coming out the afternoon without
feeling the hours passed is much better than working few boring hours for a lot
of money. In reality I had a dream when I was child that I really want to accomplish
and it isn’t medicine or engineering but combination of the two jobs. Engineer
in biomechanics is one of my favorite dreams because I always liked to help people,
and discover new things. This job is
involved with creating and producing a variety of products in everyday use,
from environmentally safe plastics to various foods, fabrics and medicines. A
combination of chemical and biological engineering, it’s a fast-growing field
with many new and exciting opportunities in genetic engineering and
biotechnology. Normally Students who love science, are good with design and
appreciate tough analytical challenges are ideally suited to Biomechanical Engineering.
To achieve this dream I’m ready to do long studies and across many obstacles to
finally live how I want to live and work without getting tired. As for now, I am only focusing all my attention on
finishing my studies.

Also, before I have
a family, I would like to travel overseas, see countries like America, China
and travel through the East Europe countries. After I finish my education and
travels, I plan to get married and have a family. I would like to live
with my future family in a quiet, and modern apartment in a big city.

Hi Ihab. I also am struggling on figuring out what I want to do in the future. I can also agree with you on wanting a job that I can enjoy and not hate, and I think that what you want to do is awesome. Biomechanics is a really cool subject, because the opportunities within are endless. Also, I like that you want to travel, because I want to travel too. Traveling is just something that brings people together and shows everybody what the rest of the world is really like. Overall, I really like your blog, if you want to check out mine feel free.
RépondreSupprimerThank you! I agree with you traveling is something really intersting and it is great to see that someone share the same ideas than me :)
Supprimerwow! That's really awesome Ihab. I really think that it is awesome that you really want to help others. I too wish to find a job that I can get excited to go to when I wake up in the morning. I think that is more important than money. I also value that you wish to travel overseas and see the world. It allows someone like you to take in so many different cultures and opportunities that can change your future in a positive way. Keep it up Ihab!!
I'm glad to see that there is other people that give more importance to their job than money !Good luck to find your way .
SupprimerHi Ihab! I think a lot about my future also. When I was younger I didn't really think any of my actions would affect my future but as I've gotten older I've realized that it has. I try my best to do the right thinks and get good grades. I want make my parents proud, and go to college. I want to study something in health or medicine maybe. I want to be somebody someday.
RépondreSupprimerHey alex ! we are all like you and we all want to succed..Anyway wish you acomplish your goals!